Dr Hampé-Kautz study
Published on 5th January 2021
The 4th edition 2020 of the International Journal of Computerized Dentistry published a study written by Dr. Hampé-Kautz, Dr. Ali Salehi, Dr. Bernard Senger and Dr. Olivier Etienne entitled "A comparative in vivo study of new shade matching procedures*" on the differences between shade setting methods.
Find below the first page of the article and the complete study in the following link: http://www.quintpub.com/userhome/ijcd/ijcd_23_4_hampe_p317.pdf
*Hampé-Kautz V, Salehi A, Senger B, Etienne O. A comparative in vivo study of new shade matching procedures. Int J Comput Dent. 2020;23(4):317-323. PMID: 33491927.