Dr Tania Castro

Dr. Tania Castro

Dental surgeon

Fleurance, France

I am Doctor Tania Castro, I’m thirty years old and I am a general practitioner specialized in orthodontics in Fleurance (France).

I’ve been a Rayplicker user for 2 years now. I use it for each shade-taking in my daily work, around 4 times a day. It became essential to me, it fits in naturally during my prosthetic and brightening treatments, and sometimes for anterior composite restoration in order to get an aesthetical result which matches perfectly with adjacent teeth.

Before using the Rayplicker Solution, we were having a hard time taking the right shade on our first try and needed to make our patients coming back. It was hard to deal with their disappointments but also to find an appointment in our full diary.

In my opinion, the Rayplicker solution is an essential investment that I strongly recommend for all dentists who have problems with shade-matching. I sincerely think that if my Rayplicker breaks, I’ll buy another one immediately. This is precisely why I recommend it at 200%!

Concerning the sales department, great customer service, attentive and always available which is also very valuable!

Products used

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